Friday, March 29, 2013

Trust, Empathy, and Moments

Having a relationship isn't that easy. Maybe you've watched bunch of love movies and read many love stories. Seems so simple right ? A boy met a girl, had a crush, got a problem, and finally live forever after. In usual cases, the storyline goes like that. Just see beauty and the beast, Cinderella, Shrek, Twilight, and so on. Yet in some cases too, there happens to have bad endings, just like Titanic. But for you readers that still have a mindset of love just like these stories, well your totally wrong. It's not that simple, too many complicated aspects inside.

What becomes a core problem in the relationship commonly are trust and empathy. How can you say like that ? Well trust takes a big role in here. When you trust your partner, you should believe that he/she only have you on their hearts as their partner. This trust stuff should come from both sides, so both keep believing each other but also loyal with their partners despite their given chance to make friends with anyone. This is thing seems easy, but believe me this is tremendously hard. Just imagine your partner having friends with their ex and having a slightly-close conversation, kick me if you're not jealous. In that term, usually you think the baddest scenario ever in your mind, and then you're afraid losing him/her. In here, you need that tool named trust, but both sides should be open of anything to their partners to maintain this trust.

Second tool, named empathy. This is what brings the essence of having a relationship itself. When you have a trust, but you don't have this empathy it hurts you deeply. Well here's the point, when your having a relationship with someone, you're not only having a relationship with him/her, but also his/her world. Friends, family, religion, and other surroundings. For an example, when your a christian and having a moslem partner, well soon or later you should deal by sacrificing your religion or your relationship. Another example, when your in a relationship, surely your partner would take advice from her closest surroundings besides you, this can be friends, or family. In here, you deal with their other precious people too. To make this simple, its just like your interested with something. You need you yourself to be interested with each parts of life of your partner. Of course, this is the essence of love itself. And again, you need this thing come from both sides. An essence of "relationship" is there when life is connected, side by side. It would be so painful if this thing only happens one sided, it's like loving someone deeply but they only take it and never show their empathy. Another important thing, the empathy tool itself should be controlled well. It would be annoying if every second, your partner is by your side (really besides you) despite you're having your college class, or playing only with your close friends. But towards these cases upon friends or family, well this disappears when you are close enough to them, but for activities there's no excuses. Moreover, there won't be any special moment if you meet your partner every single second (except your married, its a whole different case).

Well those both (trust and empathy) are two main elements in the relationship that should been there. whatever your partner type is (geek, bold, lonely, serious, etc), that thing should still stand. Just imagine if you have trust but don't have the empathy, means that you trust your partner but you never know who he/she really is or how is he/she doing. Really awkward, and rarely happens. The relationship would be much fragile if it had the empathy but don't have the trust. It means, the relationship are connected each other, but have high curiosity behind it. Its like the trust tool makes your relationship stronger and harder (the foundation) , and the empathy tool makes your relationship build higher (the building itself) . Another element that happens to be another core is a moment. This thing is not a tool that can be made by efforts (efforts may support moments happen), moment is more likely putted inside ingredient. Without the moment, your relationship would be plain, as plain as eating soup without salt. This moment ingredient isn't a compulsory thing that should be there on the very first place, it only occurs when a beneficial condition meets. This is like having a moment sitting around the hill, watching over the clouds, kissing together, and many other examples. This moment thing could be everything (bad, good, scary, etc), example of a scary one is like sitting both in the middle of the cemetery on midnight, or an example of a bad moment is when police came chasing and caught you both. Well, whatever the moment is, it's always leaves scars in form of stories that makes your relationship much more colorful. This is also a reason why long relationship are reluctant to break up. Also this moment thing also builds up feeling to miss each other. See on long distance relationship (LDR) that really never met yet, but had trust and empathy still cant miss each other because even a single moment is between them both.

Trust, empathy, and moments. Those 3 things are the main thing of having a relationship, wether the relationship was good or bad. Sorry for being so knowledgeably, it's because I've been having a relationship and these problems occurs. But despite every single problem with her, I'm thankful for having her and I do really love her. If you think there is something wrong with this post, please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you for reading.

3 March 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Curriculum Vitae

Data Pribadi
Nama Lengkap : Albert Oloan Tona’as Karwur
Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Salatiga, 1 Agustus 1995
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Agama : Kristen
Status : Belum Menikah
Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia
Alamat : Jl. Ahmad Yani H81
Kel. Mangunsari, Kec. Sidomukti, Salatiga, Jawa Tengah
No. Telp/Hp : 021-326186/08979322162

Pendidikan Formal :
1. Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga, Fakultas Biologi, Jurusan Biologi Murni
2. SMA Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga, Lulus tahun 2012 (Berijazah)
3. SMP Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga, Lulus tahun 2009 (Berijazah)
4. SD Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga, Lulus tahun 2006 (Berijazah)

Pendidikan Non Formal:
1. 2008, Kursus Musik, Piano Klasik (Sertifikasi)
2. 2007, Pengembangan Diri, Desain Grafis (Sertifikasi)
3. 2007, Eksrakurikuler Pemrograman (Sertifikasi)
4. 2007-2008, Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka (Sertifikasi)

Prestasi :
1.  2009, Konser Kursus 11 membawakan repertoir piano (Sertifikasi)
2. 2007, Konser Kursus 8 membawakan repertoir piano (Sertifikasi)
3. 2009, Konser Kursus 10 membawakan repertoir piano (Sertifikasi)
4. 2008, Konser Kursus 9 membawakan repertoir piano (Sertifikasi)
5. 2010, Juara 2 Lomba Paduan Suara Lagu-Lagu Perjuangan Jenjang SMP dan SMA/SMK Tingkat Provinsi Jawa Tengah (Sertifikasi)
6. 2010, Peserta Lomba Debat Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK Tingkat Provinsi Jawa Tengah 2010 (Sertifikasi)
7. 2010, Juara 1 Lomba Paduan Suara Lagu-Lagu Perjuangan Jenjang SMP dan SMA/SMK Tingkat Kota Salatiga (Sertifikasi)
8. 2007, Peserta Story Telling Contest (Sertifikasi)
9. 2011, Peserta Debate Competition English Competition Days 2011 SWCU (Sertifikasi)
10. 2010, Peserta English Debate Competition LoVED 2010 (Sertifikasi)
11. 2010, First Best Speaker English Debate Competition LoVED 2010 (Sertifikasi)
12. 2012, Peserta Lomba Public Speaking Open House FKIP UKSW (Sertifikasi)
13. 2011, Workshop and Festival Participant Campus Jazz Festival 2011 SWCU (Sertifikasi)
14. 2012, Peserta Indonesian Varsities English Debate Competition ITB (Sertifikasi)
15. 2011, Juara 1 Lomba Debat Bahasa Inggris Tentang Nasionalisme Tingkat Kota Salatiga 2011
16. 2011, Juara 1 Lomba Vokal Grup Pembinaan Nasionalisme dan Karakter Bangsa Tingkat Kota Salatiga 2011 (Sertifikasi)
17. 2011, Juara 2 Lomba Vokal Grup Pembinaan Nasionalisme dan Karakter Bangsa Tingkat Provinsi Jawa Tengah 2011 (Sertifikasi)

Pengalaman Organisasi:
1. 2009 Live-In SMA Kristen Satya Wacana, sebagai seksi kesehatan
2. 2010 Bulan Bahasa SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai ketua
3. 2010 Lab Cup II SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai seksi tiket
4. 2010 Natal SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai seksi acara
5. 2011-2012 ketua OSIS SMA Kristen Satya Wacana
6. 2011 Valentine SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai ketua
7. 2011 Paskah SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai seksi acara
8. 2011 Aksi Sosial Paskah SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai seksi acara
9. 2011 Prom Night SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai ketua
10. 2011 Masa Orientasi Siswa (MOS) SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai ketua
11. 2011 Pitulasan (Perayaan Kemerdekaan RI) SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai seksi lomba
12. 2011 Lab Cup III SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai seksi keamanan
13. 2011 Bulan Bahasa SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai seksi acara
14. 2012 Crazy Day SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai ketua
15. 2011 Live-In SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai ketua 2
16. 2011 Natal SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebgai seksi acara
17. 2012 Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Siswa (LDKS) SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai ketua
18. 2012 Retret Kelulusan SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai seksi acara
19. 2012 Katalog SMA Kristen Satya Wacana sebagai ketua 2

Demikian daftar riwayat hidup ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan. Atas perhatian bapak/ibu, sebelum dan sesudahnya saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat saya,

(Albert Oloan Tona’as Karwur)

Seputar Duniaku

Nama saya Albert Oloan Tona’as Karwur, namun lebih akrab dengan sapaan Abe. Umur saya 17 tahun, dan saya adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Biologi Univeristas Kristen Satya Wacana angkatan 2012. Walaupun saya lahir dan besar di kota Salatiga, saya bukan orang Salatiga asli. Ibu saya adalah orang batak (daerah etnis Sumatra Utara) dan Bapak saya adalah orang tionghoa-minahasa (daerah etnis Sulawesi Utara). Kedua orangtua saya bertemu di kampus UKSW semasa kuliah dan menetap di Salatiga. Saya memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup luas mengenai budaya dengan latar belakang orangtua saya, namun karena besar di tanah Jawa saya juga mengenal budaya Jawa. Saya cukup lancar dalam berbagai bahasa Nusantara, diantaranya bahasa Manado, bahasa Jawa, dan bahasa Indonesia. Selebihnya saya juga menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik, karena saya menghabiskan masa kecil saya di London selama 4 tahun. Saat itu bapak saya mengambil studi lanjutan di Imperial University, sehingga saya juga cakap berbahasa Inggris. Saya dapat berbicara bahasa Mandarin juga, namun tidak terlalu lancar. Dulu semasa SMP, saya diajari bahasa Mandarin di sekolah. Mengenai sekolah, dari SD sampai SMA saya bersekolah di yayasan Kristen Satya Wacana atau yang terkenal dengan nama Laboratorium. Jadi, saya benar-benar memahami kehidupan di UKSW karena sudah berada di UKSW sejak SD.
Mengenai kehidupan saya, saya aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan kemahasiswaan. Diantaranya saya mengikuti kelompok bakat dan minat debat bahasa inggris. Selain itu, saya juga aktif dalam lembaga kemahasiswaan. Dalam struktur senat mahasiswa aras fakultas, saya berada pada ketua bidang 2 sebagai magang pada tahun pertama saya kuliah. Selain berkegiatan sebagai mahasiswa, saya juga sangat menyukai olahraga. Khususnya olahraga futsal, basket, dan berenang. Musik juga merupakan salah satu hal yang saya sangat sukai. Saya menyukai semua aliran musik, namun lebih cenderung menyukai aliran groove. Hobi saya dalam bermusik tidak sebatas mendengar saja, saya juga suka menyanyi dan bermain alat musik. Biasanya saya bermain alat musik gitar, bass, dan piano. Saya memiliki beberapa band dan sering bermain pada beberapa acara musik.
Saya tertarik mengikuti program “Sahabat LTC”, karena saya tertarik dengan budaya orang asing. Selama program berlangsung, saya dapat mempelajari banyak hal baru dari para peserta begitu juga sebaliknya. Alasan kedua saya mengajukan diri menjadi “Sahabat LTC” adalah karena jam semester antara yang tidak terlalu padat sehingga memberi banyak waktu luang. Daripada waktu terbuang percuma, saya rasa akan lebih bermanfaat jika saya mengikuti program ini dan belajar banyak hal baru. Semoga program ini dapat menjadi pengalaman yang berkesan bagi kita semua.

Albert Oloan Tona’as Karwur
Fakultas Biologi

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ik Hou Van Jou

Sometimes my eyes just stare at your face. Nothing in common, it just feels so right admiring you. Beautiful and loveable. And in a moment, a glance of your eyes stole my world. I just can't hold it. Words written here aren't enough to describe you. More than words to tell our story.

On my first days of college, my senior on senior high school asked me to join a community of debating in English language since I was a debater back on high school. Just on few meetings, I joined the debate society and became a member of it. It was an ordinary story just until I was on the debate practice and I saw a girl. She looked vicious. Black-haired, not too tall, not too short, she got my attention. It went just normally, but it took's several meetings until I had a crush with her.

On the end of September 2012, I started to build efforts to take her attention. She was from a different faculty, moreover she was my senior 1 year above. It seems impossible to make a relationship happen, yet it burned me over to get her. Once each week to see her, every Wednesday was always a day waited to see her. When it comes to that day, I did any efforts I can to get her attention and be with her, including taking her back home even though she rejected many times due her dad already picks her up. About 3 hours every week to do anything, It wasn't visible even to get closer

It needed a bold heart to keep the struggle on. Soon I managed to get her number by chatting her, and things become much more easier. Finally on 21 December 2012, a day before Doomsday (based on maya fortune reading) I had a chat with her. On that evening around 5 PM, I told her my feelings. She was shocked, and I was afraid of what I done. It needs a gamble weather she would still accept me or reject me. Gladly, things went well and we became closer and closer. Moreover She and I was about to attend a debate competition and needs practice everyday for that massive event. I was so happy because I can see her everyday drawing towards the competition.

On 11 January 2013, She and I and also several friends of debaters attend the competition that was held in Bandung. The competition was hard and memorable. But the most memorable thing was on 14 January 2013, it was her birthday. I brought a present from Salatiga to Bandung in my bag for her special day. The present had 3 parts; a dog-doll, a blue-hairpin, and a letter. On the night of her birthday, I gave her the present and confess her. That day, on 14 January 2013 She became my first girl friend for 17 years. It was a special day for her due her birthday, and also for me. We was having our relationship with having trust on our foundation, it was sweet. The day ended by naming the dog, He was named Russell van Klinken. Russell was from her that means red-haired that was an American and Latin baby boy name, and klinken was from me that means sound.

The rest of the competition that was held in Bandung took 5 days, and I spent a lot of time with her. It was no longer She and I, it was Us. Our first date was on Dago, Bandung. We walked down the street enjoying Bandung city, it was priceless. Soon the competition ended, and we went back to Salatiga.

It was the start of having a relationship, it was harder than I thought. Many things happen and many problems came too. There were times when police always go after us, when I got jealous for her ex-boyfriends, when I was on a badmood and she was on her period, when we had our misunderstanding and keep arguing, when we walked and put our arms together side by side, when we both sing together, when we both hugged each other, when we keep on standing with our ego and blaming each other, when we annoy each other, when we were debating on a practice, when one of us got sick, when we both 'toyor' our faces each other, when we praise each other, when we do 'gombal', when we both blush, when we stare each other, and many  memories happen on the relationship.

Today Russell is 73 days old or 2 and a half month. It's still young, but I noticed many new things from her. It made the feeling deeper inside. I'm so thankful for having her on my life. I loved her so much, I just want this relation stands once for all. I love her right now that is better than yesterday, and I'll give her much deeper until there's no tomorrow. The first thing I think is her on the morning, and on night before I sleep I pray for her. It's just too much feeling inside that I can't show and describe with words here.

One day, I'll grow older and older, so soon when that time comes, this little note would be a reminder of my first true love for a girl name Dewi Ratoja or usually called Tora. Right now, I don't have any idea what would happen in the future to this relationship, but I hope so much for this relationship. We would have hard times, harder than this. Yet I believe, I do believe that I won't let your hands go. It would be a hard voyage, moreover with differences we had, but as long as we trust each other, every little thing would be all right. Ik hou van jou.

3 March 2013